When one looks deep into the night it looks like a black tunnel,
That is not just dark but equally bizarre.
The tunnel with no light at the end,
The tunnel which seems to be a never ending one.
Where there is no beginning or end,
It seems one is trapped in it for eternity.
People call those nights serene,
I call those nights haunting.
In those quiet nights one becomes aware of the void,
So profoundly that one can’t bear it.
One doesn’t know if it’s the loneliness,
Or being alone with oneself that one is scared of. 
The voice of oneself can be so clearly heard that it seems eerie. 
What if one realizes, they are scared of themselves?
People call those nights serene,
I call those nights haunting.  

Do you also have thoughts on those nights? You will also like Under my Eye




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